All iOS - iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple TV & iTunes. iphone ... What am i doing wrong? im using Shaw as my incoming mail server and rogers wirelessdata.net as my outgoing mail server. its all set up like before i think.
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I`ve owned an ipod touch for well over 2 years and now have an iphone so I have had to deal with this for a long time. In fact, you weren`t even able to receive Shaw mail on the ipod touch for quite a while. I used to forward all& ...
The correct settings for iPhone 3GS on Rogers Wireless with Shaw email are as follows: 1. Create new mail account 2. Select POP (not IMAP) type of an account 3. Enter Name (user name of your email account ie. for& ...
Has anyone successfully set up their shaw email on their iPad over Wifi? I can receive email, but not send. What exactly are the correct ... Canada`s Mac Community! > All iOS - iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple TV & iTunes.
All iOS - iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple TV & iTunes. iphone ... What am i doing wrong? im using Shaw as my incoming mail server and rogers wirelessdata.net as my outgoing mail server. its all set up like before i think.
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